
Non-Profit Association “International Urban Symposium” (IUS).


The non-profit organization named Association “International Urban Symposium” (IUS) is hereby permanently established. From now on the Organization will be referred to as ‘the Association’ or ‘the IUS’.

The Association’s Registered Office is in 276, Riviera Di Chiaia – 80121 Napoli (NA) – Italy. The Association has national and international character and activity.


The duration of the Association is unlimited. It may be dissolved by resolution of the members.


The Association IUS is secular and apolitical. It operates exclusively through the spontaneous and free scientific performance of its members. The Association may use self-employed work only to the extent necessary for its proper functioning or to satisfy specific activities.

The Association does not pursue profit in any way. Its structure and procedures are democratic and transparent. It operates internationally exclusively for scientific and social purposes.

The main purposes of the Association are to bring together scholars of high calibre from various disciplines and non-academics who share a strong commitment to ethnographic research in urban settings; encourage topical research; launch debate through multidisciplinary panel discussions and seminars; train young scholars; and generate high-quality publications.

The Association IUS aims to create, promote, support, coordinate and conduct scientific empirical research initiatives in urban areas.

In the pursuit of the above listed aims, the Association IUS will engage in the following activities:

  • Promote the ethnographic study of urban settings;
  • Bring out the contribution of ethnographic research to understanding our cities.
  • Offer a structured platform to high-level scholars engaged in empirical research;
  • Implement and support research projects;
  • Promote multidisciplinary debate and cooperation through research and annual meetings involving anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, lawyers, economists, political scientists, historians, architects and urbanists, medical doctors and other scholars;
  • Promote debate and cooperation between academic and non-academic experts;
  • Train young scholars and ethnographers through dedicated seminars and schools;
  • Encourage high-quality publications in the form of books, articles and special issues in scientific journals, occasional papers and articles and comments in the media.


The Association IUS NGO undertakes always to issue receipts for money received from third parties.


No one is allowed to perform tasks that have not been approved and delegated by the Board of Directors unless they are related to tasks approved and formally recorded. It is good practice to abide as closely as possible to the budget spending limit. However, in case of increased revenues or lower costs or vice-versa, the Board will specify how it intends to manage the resulting financial variations.


The Association is open to all scholars and professionals who, committed to urban ethnographic research, share its aims and objectives, without any political, ideological or religious discrimination.

An individual’s membership can be severed due to resignation or to expulsion for just cause. The admission and expulsion of members is the responsibility of the Executive Board. A decision of expulsion can be appealed to the General Assembly.

Founding Members are the scholars who took part in the establishment of the Association.

Ordinary members are scholars committed to the IUS whose application to the Executive Board is accepted unanimously by the Board and who pay the membership fee set by the Board.

The IUS keeps a constantly updated list of members. All members have the right to vote.

The Founding Members and Ordinary Members are required to pay the annual membership fee, which is determined annually by the Board of Directors, and to contribute to the activities of the Association.

Membership of the Association does not entail funding obligations or disbursement over and above the annual membership fee set by the Executive Board. Members can, however, make deposits over and above the minimum payment. Under no circumstance the membership fee and other contributions to the IUS can be transferred to third parties or reimbursed.

Membership is of unlimited duration, except in the following cases:

  • a)death
  • b) resignation
  • c) expulsion
  • d) non-payment of membership fee

Members may withdraw at any time by written notice addressed to the Board.

The Board of Directors may decide to expel a member for the following reasons:

  • a) failure to comply with the statutes, regulations, or of any of the decisions of the governing bodies;
  • b) for moral and material damages caused to the Association;
  • c) in any other case where the member carries out activities that are in conflict with the interests and objectives of the Association.

Membership will automatically expire with the non-payment of the annual fee.

Given the foregoing rights and duties, the IUS guarantees to all members equal rights in the discipline of its activities, ensuring to all members the right to vote for the amendment of the statutes and regulations and for the appointment of officers of the Association.


Members can be: Founding, Ordinary, Supporting or Honorary.

The Founding Members are the people who founded the Association, by signing the Statute;

The Ordinary Members are those people who join the IUS after its establishment;

The Supporting members are those people who support the IUS through special donations;

Honorary Members are distinguished scholars or professionals. The Board is responsible for granting this special status.


Office holders provide their services free of charge. They cannot be employed in any form by the Association

Office holders are reimbursed the expenses incurred in the performance of their office. The documentation is delivered to the Secretary-Treasurer who, having obtained the Board’s approval, pays the money and records the reimbursement in the balance sheet.


Bodies of the Association are:

– The General Assembly

– The Executive Board

– President

– The Vice President

– The Secretary-Treasurer

– Other ad-hoc Executive Officers (e.g. Communication Officer).


The General Meeting is chaired by the President of the Board, who ensures the regularity of the convening of the Meeting and of its Constitution, the right to intervene and the validity of proxies. In his absence the Vice President presides. In the absence of both, the Assembly elects a president pro tempore.

The General Meeting may be ordinary or extra-ordinary.

All members in good standing with the payment of annual fees have the right to participate in the meeting. The Assembly is convened at least once a year before the financial year-end. Extra-ordinary meetings may be convened by the President and/or the Board or at the written request of at least 50% of all members.

– Ordinary Duties of the Assembly:

  • a) approve the budget and final accounts;
  • c) appoint its representatives on the Board;
  • d) discuss and decide on any topic of an ordinary and general interest on the agenda.

– Extraordinary Duties of the Assembly:

  • a) resolve on the transformation, merger or dissolution and liquidation of the Association;
  • b) decide on changes to the statutes;
  • c) decide on any subject of an extraordinary nature of the agenda.


Meetings – virtual (via Skype) or actual – are convened through written notice via email. The notice should be sent at least eight days before the date set for the meeting and should include a full agenda. The Assembly is normally convened in Italy or elsewhere in the EU on the occasion of events organized by the IUS, the meeting is valid regardless of the number of participants. Resolutions relating to the dissolution or liquidation of the Association require the participation of at least 50% of all members. The votes will be by show of hands or, in extraordinary cases, by email. Each member has one vote and may authorize another member to vote on his/her behalf. Each member cannot bear more than three proxies. At ordinary meetings, the resolutions are valid with the approval of half plus one of the total members present or represented.

The Assembly is sovereign, the resolutions passed in accordance with the rules laid down by the present Statute bind all shareholders, absent or dissenting. Copies of all resolutions of the Assembly shall be deposited at the registered office and will be at the disposal of the members, who have the right to request a copy at their expense.


The Council consists of a minimum of 3 and maximum 25 members, always in odd number. The Council includes the Founding Members and is elected by the Assembly. The Council appoints the Executive Board; that is, a President, a Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer. When necessary, the Board can appoint collaborators.

The members of the Board may be reimbursed their expenses incurred in executing their office.

The elections of the members of the Council and of the Board will take place every five years. Board members can be re-elected. Candidates will be selected among the members. The election takes place preferably in conjunction with a scientific activity of the IUS; alternatively, it shall be held by email ballot. The Board shall publish a list of candidates in reasonable time before an election. The persons designated by 5 or more members will be added to this list if they agree to be nominated.

All powers of the IUS are exercised by the Board in consultation with the Council. Board meetings are convened by the President. There will be at least one meeting each year, preferably in conjunction with a scientific activities of IUS or via Skype. An extra-ordinary meeting may be convened at the written request of at least 3 IUS Members. The Board refers to the membership at least once each year regarding the activities and financial affairs. The minutes of the Executive Board are made available to the members of the IUS. Copies are made at the expense of the applicant.

Duties of the Executive Board:

  • a) to implement the resolutions of the Assembly and state the priorities;
  • b) to decide issues regarding the implementation of the objectives of the IUS;
  • c) to convene the meeting of the Assembly;
  • d) to make decisions on assets and financial matters that exceed ordinary business;
  • e) to decide on applications for membership;
  • f) to review annually the requirements for membership;
  • g) to implement disciplinary sanctions;
  • h) to decide on any matter submitted for consideration by the President or by members of the Council;
  • i) to decide on the participation of the IUS to public or private bodies and institutions that are of interest to its activities;
  • j) to draft, edit or dismiss internal regulations;
  • k) to carry out the formalities relating to the establishment or severance of relationships of collaboration;
  • l) to appoint collaborators for activities that also include non-members;
  • m) to set up ad hoc committees for special purposes;
  • n) to make agreements of cooperation and liaison with other organizations in order to promote the purposes of the IUS;
  • o) prepare the final financial report, which must include property, contributions and bequests;
  • p) given its powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration, the Executive Body is responsible for the ordinary management of the IUS, the collection of contributions, the payment of moneys due and the collection of credit;
  • q) receives and examines the membership applications;
  • r) is responsible for the secretariat of the IUS, including the maintenance of its membership and mailing lists, archives, financial documents and bank accounts, etc.
  • s) manages the organization of events and other activities that serve to achieve the objectives IUS;
  • t) is responsible for the management of the website.


The President is the legal representative of the IUS and oversees its conduct.

The President is elected every five years by the Council. The President can be re-elected.

Duties of the President:

  • to sign the official correspondence of the Association;
  • to represent the Association in court;
  • the President is liable for administrative matters undertaken in the name and on behalf of the Association;
  • monitors the activities of the IUS;
  • monitors the website;
  • is responsible for the implementation of the resolutions of the Assembly and of the Board;
  • may delegate to members of the Board part of his or her duties on a temporary basis;
  • may adopt emergency measures, which must then be ratified by the Board;
  • deliberates extra expenditure on behalf of the Association (outside of the expenditure established by the Board) for a maximum amount determined annually by the Board;
  • cooperates with the Secretary-Treasurer monitoring all bookkeeping;
  • keeps relations with banks and private institutions, can disburse funds at the express request of the Board and within the limits indicated by the latter.

In case the President is absent or incapacitated all of his duties are executed by the Vice President. In case of impossibility of functioning of the Association, the most senior member of the Board will take on the position of President pro tempore with the mandate of rebuilding the statutory bodies as soon as possible.


With the approval of the Board, the Secretary-Treasurer, may order and purchase materials needed for the implementation of Art. 3, takes care of the collection of revenue, the payment of expenses, reimbursements and generally of any documents pertaining increase or decrease in assets. The Secretary-Treasurer keeps the minutes of the General Assembly and of the Board meetings. The Secretary-Treasurer is responsible for holding the cash book and all the documents that specifically relate to his office. Collaborates with the President in coordinating the activities of the IUS.


The Revenues of the Association are:

  • a) a Fund consisting of the initial contributions made by the Founding Members;
  • b) contributions, ordinary grants and special grants from public or private;
  • c) annual membership fees;
  • d) the grants provided to voluntary organizations;
  • e) donations, legacies, inheritances and legacies in general;
  • f) donations and moneys from fundraising;
  • g) the proceeds of the activities of the IUS;
  • h) investment income;
  • i) grants from the European Union and other international institutions;
  • i) income from sponsorship by national and international companies.

The Assets of the IUS are:

  • a) movable and immovable property owned or acquired;
  • b) membership fees and voluntary contributions from members;
  • c) the profits from scientific activities, public collections carried out in accordance with the standing regulations;
  • d) contributions, donations and legacies in cash by governments, local authorities, banks and other public or private bodies;
  • e) income from meetings and conferences organized, sponsored or encouraged by the Association;
  • f) reimbursements stipulated by MOUs with outside bodies;
  • g) income from capital;
  • h) grants from the European Union and other international institutions;
  • i) any other income that contributes to increase the Association’s assets.

The Association cannot distribute, even indirectly, profits or operate surpluses, funds, reserves or capital unless the destination or distribution are required by law or are carried out in favour of other non-profit organizations which by law, statute or regulation are part of the same and unitary structure. The IUS shall use any profits or operating surpluses for the realization of its institutional activities and those directly connected to them.


In addition to any books prescribed by law, the IUS may keep the minutes of meetings and resolutions of the Assembly and the Executive Council as well as the book of the members of the Association. All the books and documents of the Association are visible to members who submit a justified request to the President. Copies are made at the expense of the applicant.


The IUS uses its website and other electronic media as a means of internal communication among its members and associate members. Dedicate pages of the website will be used for external communication. The Board is authorized to negotiate relationships with one or more scientific journals and publishers, and with media outlets, in order to have regular access to organs for the dissemination of information concerning its activities and the publication of results of research conducted under its aegis.


The financial year ends on 31 December each year.

Within one hundred twenty days of the end of each year, the Board will proceed to drafting the annual report and of the financial statement, to be submitted for approval to the Assembly. The reports, approved by the Assembly, are then deposited at the registered office, the members have the right to consult and to request a copy at their own expense.


In case of dissolution of the Association, the assets remaining after the exhaustion of the liquidation will be donated to other associations with similar purposes, in accordance with the directives set by the Assembly.


All matters that are not provided for in these Statutes, in the internal regulations, in the provisions and other acts issued by the competent bodies are regulated by the standing rules of law.

This Statute was read, discussed, approved by the founding members 15 June 2015.

It was incorporated in the Constitutional Act, legally registered on 25 September 2015.